Can I Receive Workers Comp in Minnesota if I Am a Seasonal Worker?

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Seasonal Workers Comp in Minnesota

For those working seasonal jobs in Minnesota, understanding your rights and benefits surrounding workers’ compensation can be confusing. This article provides clarity around the nuances of these laws and how they apply to temporary and seasonal staff.

At Mottaz & Sisk Injury and Work Compensation Lawyers we have years of knowledge and industry experience. Call us at 763-421-8226 today for your free consultation.

The Transitory Nature of Seasonal Work

By definition, seasonal employment is short-term and often tied to industries like tourism, agriculture or retail that require extra support during peak seasons. The impermanence of these roles raises valid questions around availability of workers’ compensation for seasonal workers that are injured performing their job duties. 

While protections are clearly outlined for permanent employees, the situation gets murky for those operating on temporary contracts. However, safeguarding the wellbeing of all workers, regardless of hours clocked, remains paramount.

Unpacking Minnesota’s Workers’ Compensation System

In Minnesota, as with most states, laws require that employers carry workers’ compensation insurance to support staff members injured while carrying out work responsibilities. This eliminates the need for litigation and facilitates access to medical care and compensation for lost wages tied to said injuries or illnesses.

But do these same protections apply to impermanent seasonal hires? Let’s unpack some specifics around eligibility and the complexity surrounding these cases.

When Seasonal Workers Qualify

The short answer is yes – seasonal staff are entitled to workers’ compensation per Minnesota regulation. If an injury occurs while executing employer-mandated activities, both medical expenses and a portion of lost pay resulting from the inability to work are covered.

However, intricacies emerge when applying blanket laws to unconventional or transitory work arrangements. The start-stop schedule intrinsic to seasonal roles complicates the calculation of appropriate benefits.

Why Legal Representation Matters

This is where enlisting support from a well-versed workers’ compensation attorney can prove invaluable. Seasonal employees deserve assurances that their rights are protected when sides of ambiguity exist.

An experienced legal advocate understands how to leverage Minnesota’s intricacies to a client’s advantage – specifically as they relate to temporary workers. They work to guarantee injured staff receive full spectrum of entitled benefits.

The Crossover with Unemployment Benefits

An unexpected point of relevance for seasonal workers lies with unemployment benefits. In specific injury cases where an employee can no longer return to their regular seasonal gig, they may qualify for government assistance in tandem with workers’ compensation.

This dual eligibility, while not always applicable, merits awareness when evaluating options after an incident.

Next Steps Following A Workplace Injury

If you sustain a work-related injury or illness as a seasonal employee, the first course of action involves reporting it to your employer ASAP. Subsequent steps like seeking medical help and connecting with a workers’ comp attorney set you up for success ensuring your rights are fully represented.

Case Study: John’s Story

Let’s examine a hypothetical case study named John, who works seasonally in construction and recently hurt his back on the job. His last day was scheduled for two weeks following the incident.

As with many impermanent roles, calculating appropriate workers’ compensation gets tricky with looming end dates. An advocate would fight to ensure John’s short-term status does not limit the benefits he deserves.

Key Benefits for Injured Minnesota Employees

  • Coverage of medical treatment and rehabilitation services

  • Partial pay replacement for hours missed while healing

  • Disability payouts if injury results in permanent damage

  • Survivor benefits for fatal incidents


Construction, landscaping, cleaning services, agriculture, tourism, and retail roles often fall under the seasonal employment umbrella, given their temporary ramp-up during high-volume months.

Yes. Minnesota legislation protects full time, part time and temporary employees alike when injured on the organizational clock. Employment status does not impact eligibility.
Typically no. Independent contractors fall outside the realm of workers’ compensation coverage reserved solely for employees. Contractors must carry their own protection insurance.
Aim to notify your employer within 14 days for the best outcome. Quick reporting helps guarantee access to entitled medical and wage loss benefits following an incident.
Potentially yes. If injury prevents you from returning to seasonal role already scheduled to end, you may qualify for government assistance to complement workers’ compensation.

Selecting a Workers Comp Attorney in Minnesota

Mottaz & Sisk Injury Law has 20+ experience dealing with worker’s compensation matters. Please call us at 763-421-8226 for a free consultation if you have experienced a work related injury.