How Does Workers’ Compensation Insurance Work in Minnesota?

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If you are an employee of a Minnesota business, you may wonder about workers’ compensation insurance. While you never expect to get hurt on the job, unforeseen accidents or injuries can happen, and it is vital to know how you are legally protected. 

Under Minnesota law, your employer must provide workers’ compensation insurance after a work-related accident, injury, or illness. If you file an insurance claim, you may be entitled to a range of benefits, including payment for lost wages, compensation for medical or hospital bills, or vocational support. 

We will break down who is required to provide workers’ compensation, why workers’ compensation insurance is essential, and the steps you can take if your employer does not offer insurance or denies your claim after an accident.

Who Is Required to Provide Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Minnesota?

The state of Minnesota requires all employers to provide workers’ compensation insurance for qualifying accidents. If you are an employee of a Minnesota business, they must provide benefits or compensation if you get injured on the job. Employers can pay fines or penalties for failing to provide workers’ compensation. 

Some employers are self-insured, meaning they will pay out of pocket for claims of any accidents or injuries that occur. Self-insured companies tend to be larger businesses with high-profit margins. For an employer to be self-insured, they must meet the qualifications under Minnesota state law. 


My Employer Does Not Offer Workers’ Compensation Insurance. What Should I Do?

If your employer is not fulfilling its legal obligation by providing workers’ compensation insurance, you are still protected if you get hurt on the job. Under state law, the state contributes to a Special Compensation Fund.  

If the unexpected happens and you must file an insurance claim, the state will step in once they determine that the employer does not have workers’ compensation. The state will pay for your benefits, such as lost wages or medical bills. 

When employees use the Special Compensation Fund, the state assesses a fine to the business. In addition, the employer will have to pay a premium or a penalty if a worker is injured because the law requires that they hold workers’ compensation insurance. 

What Is the Purpose of Having Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

Workers’ compensation insurance works like auto, house, life, or boat insurance. It is designed to protect employees in the event of an unexpected or unforeseen accident or injury. 

If you suffer an accepted injury, accident, or illness while working, your employer is required to provide benefits through insurance. Benefits can range depending on the employer and the type of coverage. Typical benefits include:

  • Covering or assisting with hospital or medical bills
  • Providing paid sick leave
  • Recouping lost wages
  • Providing vocational training
  • And more

Workers’ compensation insurance is vital because accidents and injuries can happen while you are on the job, even when you least expect it. Therefore, an employer must ensure that their workers are protected and compensated. 

Lorem IpsumHow Do I Know What Is Covered Under Workers’ Compensation?

If your injury, illness, or accident is work-related, your employer is obligated to provide compensation. However, if your employer’s insurance company denies your claim, contact Mottaz & Sisk Injury Law to determine what benefits you are entitled to and seek possible recourse. 

It is important to note that while most employees are covered under Minnesota’s workers’ compensation laws, the state does not require insurance coverage for independent contractors or casual employees. 

If your employment falls under those categories, you should speak with experienced workers’ compensation lawyers at Mottaz & Sisk Injury Law to find out what your options are. 

Learn More About Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Minnesota Today

If you want to learn about workers’ compensation insurance, contact Mottaz & Sisk Injury Law today. Our experienced team of lawyers will determine if you are eligible for benefits and how to access workers’ compensation. 

To ensure you are always protected while on the job and are compensated appropriately, learn more about workers’ compensation insurance and the benefits you are entitled to today.