How Long do Workers’ Compensation Benefits Last in Minnesota?

Group 152

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Injuries can range from strains to fractures to no wage loss to being permanently and totally disabled where you can never return to work. The benefits an injured worker receives depends on the injury and whether that injury continues to remain a substantial contributing factor in their disability. Tied into this is the limits on the four types of benefits that an injured employee is entitled. I have previously written on the benefits available. That being said, an injured worker can receive certain benefits for the rest of their life, as long as the injury continues to be a “substantial contributing cause.”

Often times, I speak with potential clients who are confused because they hear that their old injury was closed by the adjuster. Some clients even feel that because they have received a payment for permanent partial disability that their case is permanently closed – that is not the case. As long as you have not settled your case by signing a Stipulation for Settlement or by receiving a decision by a compensation judge that the injury is resolved, you still may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.

It is important to discuss the case with a workers’ compensation lawyer to go over your options. It may be that certain benefits are no longer available to you while others may be. You may also want to make sure to bring all of your file materials when you meet with your lawyer. You may even want to contact the Department of Labor and Industry to determine what benefits have been previously paid on your case.

If you wish to discuss your case further, please feel free to contact the Law Office of Thomas D. Mottaz.