Workers’ Compensation for Back Injuries

No matter your job, the attorneys at Mottaz & Sisk are aware of the significant hardship a back injury can place on you and your family. We’ve worked with numerous clients that have endured work-related back injuries to not only evaluate their situation and options but ensure deserved benefits are received. Work-related back injuries can happen when you least expect it. If you’ve recently sustained a back injury while completing a task or assignment at your place of employment, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation. We encourage you to speak with an attorney at Mottaz & Sisk immediately following your work-related back injury, so we can provide expert guidance and ensure you get the outcome you deserve.
As with any work-related injury, you must report your injury to your employer immediately, so you can seek any necessary medical treatment. You must take these initial steps so your interests are protected. Back injuries can range in severity, from a strain or sprain to a fracture or herniated disc. Regardless of the severity of your injury, the attorneys at Mottaz & Sisk are available to assist you every step of the way.

What Is a Back Injury?

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Back injuries are a common cause of back pain and can happen when we least expect it. Whether you’re completing an intensive activity like lifting a heavy object or a simple movement like turning quickly, an injury can occur if the action is completed incorrectly, or you’re using back muscles in a way that isn’t normal for your body. Most work-related back injuries happen because of overextension or twisting the spine from heavy lifting, pushing, pulling, or poor posture while sitting for extended periods. More severe and, at times, permanent injuries can result from falling or work-related car accidents.

Usually, individuals that endure work-related back injuries experience high amounts of pain and often require extensive treatment and recovery periods depending on the severity and location of the injury. Pain from back injuries tends to last anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks but can last longer if surgery is required. During this time, individuals are encouraged to limit heavy lifting and other potentially irritating activities.

Common Types of Back Injuries

Work-related back injuries can occur in various forms, and it’s essential to become familiar with each so you can seek adequate treatment for yourself or a loved one. The most common work-related back injuries employees endure are explained below.


Strains & Sprains

A back strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon in your back. Tendons connect your muscles to the bones in your back, and a back strain occurs when these muscles and tendons that support your spine are twisted, pulled, or torn.

A back sprain occurs when the ligaments in your back that connect two or more bones are stretched or torn. An individual may endure a back sprain because of a fall, sudden twist, or bodily impact that causes ligaments to extend beyond their normal range of movement.

Those battling a back strain or sprain may experience the following symptoms:

  • Pain that worsens with movement
  • Muscle spasms or cramping
  • Minimized mobility and range of motion


Injured Discs

Your spine is composed of 24 spinal discs that are located between your spinal vertebrae. Discs have a rubbery consistency and are held in place by ligaments to absorb shock when your body reacts to impact and everyday activities. At times, spinal discs can become injured if heavy lifting is completed improperly or a traumatic event occurs, such as a fall or blow to the back. The two most common spinal disc injuries are explained below.

  • Herniated or Slipped: Soft material inside a spinal disc pushes through a tear in the tough exterior resulting in pain, nearby nerve irritation, and many other symptoms.
  • Bulging: The tough exterior of your spinal disc hasn’t ruptured as it does with a herniated or slipped disc. Instead, a bulge has appeared along the rear or side of a spinal disc that places pressure on surrounding nerves resulting in pain and other discomforts.
  • Fracture: At times, a simple movement can cause a spinal vertebra to collapse completely, which can cause extreme pain, deformity, and decreased height. Disc fractures can occur in all parts of your back but are most common in the mid and lower back.


Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve happens when surrounding tissues like bones, cartilage, muscles, or tendons apply too much pressure to a nerve. This work-related back injury can result from repetitive movements, falls, obesity, and more. Individuals are encouraged to practice safe lifting and avoid repetitive activities as each of these can result in a pinched nerve. Those that believe they may have a pinched nerve can experience pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness. More times than not, pressure subsides over time, allowing nerve function to return to normal. However, if the pressure continues, the individual may experience chronic pain, and surgery may be required to avoid permanent nerve damage.

Common Treatments and Expenses of Back Injuries

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Individuals that endure a work-related back injury may require ranging treatment depending on the extent of their injury. Treatment can be mild like hot and cold compress application or extensive like surgery. It’s common for those battling a work-related back injury to be prescribed pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications to manage pain and discomfort. Your physician may also recommend various additional treatments to help speed up the recovery process, from chiropractic care and massage to ultrasound therapy and whirlpools. To determine the best treatment plan for your unique situation, it’s likely your physician will require you to participate in the following:

  • CAT scans
  • MRIs
  • X-Rays
  • Physical exam
  • Medical history review

Regardless of the severity of your work-related back injury, it’s likely you will accrue costly medical bills to ensure you recover correctly. Back injuries are often painful, meaning it’s common for individuals to take time off work, resulting in lost income. Even if you aren’t experiencing debilitating symptoms at the time of your injury, it’s recommended to seek medical guidance immediately so the injury can be treated before it gets worse. Many back injuries last for extended periods with ongoing therapy requirements, medication, and leave from work.

How Can the Team at Mottaz & Sisk Help You?

The attorneys at Mottaz & Sisk are experienced in helping individuals navigate work-related back injuries. Once your contact request form is completed, you will be contacted by one of our experienced back injury attorneys, so your unique situation can be reviewed, and together we can determine what settlement to pursue. Our attorneys strive to provide you with expert guidance and support every step of the way. While investigating your case, a variety of damages will be considered so you can receive the best compensation possible:
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Your Search Stops Now. Mottaz & Sisk Is Here for You

Here at Mottaz & Sisk, we know how debilitating a work-related back injury can be. If you or a loved one has recently endured a back injury at a place of employment, you must immediately seek legal guidance. No matter the injury type, you have the right to seek compensation for medical expenses, caretaker costs, lost income, and more. Our skilled attorneys are prepared to approach your case from various vantage points, so you can reach the outcome you deserve in your work-related back injury claim.

Call Mottaz & Sisk today for a free, no-obligation consultation, and begin your journey towards a better quality of life.