Attorney for Work-Related Knee Injuries

If you have a work-related knee injury, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits in Minnesota. Knee injuries not only cause physical pain and stress, but they cause financial stress by putting you out of work and requiring costly hospital bills. Significant knee injuries can result in surgery and ongoing limitations. It is vital to know your rights under Minnesota workers’ compensation laws so you can recover from your injury and receive the compensation you deserve.


If you or someone you know has sustained a knee injury on the job, contact Mottaz & Sisk Injury Law right away to discuss your rights and benefits. Our skilled and knowledgeable team has many years of experience navigating Minnesota workers’ compensation laws, and we will fight for your case. To reach us, you can call our office or fill out the online consultation form. Contact our legal team as soon as possible to get started on winning the compensation you deserve.

What Constitutes a Knee Injury?

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Knee injuries can transpire for a variety of reasons. You may be more susceptible to a knee injury depending on your occupation. Occupations with a high risk of knee injuries include:

  • Construction work
  • Agriculture work
  • Auto mechanics
  • Floor installation
  • Housekeeping
  • Plumbing
  • Carpentry

While these professions have a higher risk of sustaining a knee injury, injuries can occur in any occupation.

Did you know that the knee is the largest joint in the human body? The bones of the knee are made up of the femur (thigh bone), tibia (shin bone), and patella (kneecap), and the knee joint keeps all of these bones in place.


Healthy knees allow your body to sit, stand, walk, run, and jump. A worn down or injured knee can lead to intense pain and long-term medical issues. The first signs of a knee injury are usually sharp pains, stiffness, aching, or grinding in your knees. Minor knee injuries typically take two to four weeks to heal, while serious injuries can require upwards of four to twelve months of healing time.


Any amount of time out of work is too much. Thankfully, those affected by work-related knee injuries are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Collaborating with Mottaz & Sisk Injury Law will ensure you get the representation you need to receive benefits.

Common Causes of Work-Related Knee Injuries

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There are many ways knees can get injured at work. From dangerous falls to overly exerted repetitive movements to direct hits, knee injuries happen more often than you may think. People who work as physical laborers are most susceptible to knee injuries in their work environment. Still, an injury can occur out of the blue in a profession you might not suspect. Common causes of workplace knee injuries include:


Falls can include slip and fall accidents and falls from tall heights. Whether you trip on materials in your workspace or fall from a ladder, you are at risk of a knee injury. Even jobs that don’t require a lot of physical labor are at risk for falls due to slippery floors, icy parking lots, or misplaced materials on the floor.


Whether or not you received formal training on avoiding slips, trips, and falls in your workplace, you are still eligible for workers’ compensation.


Frequent standing, kneeling, or twisting causes strain on your knees. Repeated motion is a huge culprit of work-related knee injuries. Sudden movements and strain while lifting heavy objects can also cause knee damage. Workers are frequently told to “lift with the knees, not with the back.” However, if this lifting motion is repeated many times throughout each day, it could cause knee strain.

Objects Hitting the Knee

When heavy objects outright strike the knee at work, it can result in painful bruises, sprains, or even fractures. Hitting your knee on heavy machinery, concrete floors or walls, or hefty materials that you carry at work can all cause knee pain or injury. People who work in places with moving machinery such as factories, farms, and industrial plants are at risk of getting hit by mobile machinery parts.

Different Kinds of Knee Injuries

Not only can knee injuries occur for a variety of reasons, but there are also many different kinds of injuries that can be sustained. Each injury varies in severity and recovery time. Regardless of how long a knee injury renders you unable to work, Mottaz & Sisk Injury Law can help you receive compensation. Some of the most common knee injuries include:


ACL Tears

The knee contains four main ligaments that connect the tibia to the femur and allow the knee to move. The ligaments are the:

  • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
  • Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
  • Medial collateral ligament (MCL)
  • Lateral collateral ligament (LCL)

Of these four ligaments, the most common to tear is the ACL. A “pop” sound is often associated with a torn ligament. Surgery is typically necessary to repair a torn ACL. Without surgery, the torn ligament can lead to chronic pain and disability of the injured knee.



A knee sprain occurs when one or more of the knee’s ligaments is overstretched. Sprains usually occur from heavy strikes, falls, or twisting motions. Minor sprains can typically be treated at home without surgery.



Knee dislocations usually occur during high-impact instances such as falls from tall heights. A dislocation occurs when the thighbone gets pushed out of alignment with the shinbone. Dislocated knees require immediate medical attention.



Bursitis is inflammation of the bursa, a small fluid-filled sac near the knee joint. Inflammation is caused by overuse, strenuous activity, direct blows, and frequent pressure. If your knee feels warm, tender, and swollen, you may have bursitis. Visit a doctor if you develop a fever because it may be a sign of an infection.


Meniscus Tears

The piece of cartilage that rests between the femur and tibia is called the meniscus. It helps cushion and support the two knee bones. Meniscus tears can occur from sudden movements or hard falls. Some minor meniscus tears do not require surgery, but more serious cases may require an operation.



A substantial force from a fall or getting struck by an object can cause fractures in the tibia, femur, or patella. Warning signs of a fractured knee include pain, bruising, and swelling. Fractures often require surgery and can take anywhere from six weeks to six months to heal.

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Mottaz & Sisk Is Here to Help You Receive Compensation

The team at Mottaz & Sisk Injury Law understands how painful, inconvenient, and frustrating work-related knee injuries are. The variety of knee injuries means that you could be out of work for a few weeks or many months. If you have sustained a knee injury at work, you shouldn’t be expected to cover the finances of medical bills, emotional tolls, and lost income. Thankfully, knee injuries are covered under Minnesota workers’ compensation laws. Our skilled attorneys are ready to help you achieve the monetary outcome you deserve.


You can reach out to Mottaz & Sisk through our online contact form. Once your request is received, one of our experienced knee injury attorneys will reach out to you to review your situation. Together, we will guide you and help you decide what settlement to pursue. Contact Mottaz & Sisk Injury Law today for a free, no-obligation consultation and begin the process of receiving the compensation you deserve.