What is Minnesota Workers’ Compensation?

Group 152

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The Minnesota workers’ compensation system was established in 1913 to help injured employees cope with the financial hardship brought on by occupational injuries and to assist in returning the employee to employment. However, with the inception of the system came a struggle between providing necessary benefits to the injured employee and the costs incurred by the employer and insurer during the process.

Minnesota workers’ compensation does not take fault into account. In fact, think of it as a contract between the employee and his or her employer. The employer agrees to compensate the employee for on-the-job injuries, and in return, the employer has limited liability with a set amount of exposure. Every employer is liable for compensation in every case of personal injury or death of an employee arising out of and in the course of employment without regard to the question of negligence.

Although workers’ compensation can be categorized as an exclusive remedy, it does not prohibit an employee from bringing other claims against the employer for things like discrimination, retaliation, or other claims.

The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI) has a helpful resource for injured workers. The Florida state website has a great article on the history of workers’ compensation so does the Workers’ Compensation Law Center.