What to expect at your deposition

Group 152

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When you receive notice of a deposition, you will be required to attend the deposition at the time and location specified. Your attorney should meet with you before hand to go over your anticipated testimony and to answer any questions you may have.

Before your deposition there are several things to keep in mind. A deposition is a tool used during the discovery process for the opposing side to gather more information about the claim and also about you. Be prepared for questions concerning your past including:

  • Education
  • Employment history
  • Medical history
  • Medical providers
  • Previous injuries and accidents

Prior to the deposition, you should go over any important documents such as your medical records or employment records. If a recorded statement had been given, it will be important that be reviewed as well.

When at your deposition, make sure to follow your attorney’s advice. If you are unable to recall certain things or events, let the attorney know. Don’t guess.

Use “yes” or “no.” Don’t use uh hah or yeah.

Be respectful. Do not lie.

Don’t volunteer information. Only answer the question before you. You will have any opportunity explain your side at hearing. It is opposing counsel’s responsibility to ask the appropriate questions.

Sometimes attorneys like to use big words which can cause the question to be confusing. If a question is confusing, ask the attorney to rephrase the question. Otherwise, you may be answering to something you should not be.

Remain calm during the deposition. There is nothing wrong with asking to take a break if necessary. As well, keep in mind the sooner you answer the questions, the sooner it will be over.

These items are only some of the basics your attorney will go over. Each case is different and your attorney should prepare you based on the facts of your case.