Maximizing Settlements for Work Injuries in Minnesota Airports

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Employees who suffer work related injuries at Minnesota airports have legal rights to workers’ compensation benefits. This article provides airport workers with helpful information to maximize their settlements if injured. 


At Mottaz & Sisk Injury and Work Compensation Lawyers, we have years of knowledge and industry experience. Call us at 763-421-8226 today for your free consultation.

Determining Eligibility for Benefits

Airport workers who get hurt while performing job duties may qualify for wage loss benefits, payment of medical bills, vocational rehabilitation, and compensation for permanent disability. However, not every airport worker automatically allows.

Covered Employees 

The workers’ compensation system only protects employees. Independent contractors do not receive coverage. Additionally, certain casual or temporary workers may not qualify in some cases. 

To determine benefit eligibility, examine:

  •  Employment status 

  •  Length of employment

  •  Nature of the work performed

Understanding these details from the beginning can help maximize later workers’ compensation settlement amounts.

Documenting the Accident

Proper documentation plays a massive role in increasing settlement payouts. Airport employees need to report injuries immediately per company policy. They should also take proactive steps like:  

  • Notifying a supervisor: Inform a direct manager promptly. Failure to follow proper protocols can reduce settlement potential.

  • Identifying witnesses: Get names and contact details for anyone who saw the incident. Witness statements bolster the worker’s version of events. 

  • Writing down specifics: Document everything you remember about how the injury occurred while it is fresh in your mind. Capture as many pertinent details as possible.

  • Saving medical records: Keep all medical paperwork regarding the injury. These documents help verify treatment costs for settlement calculations.  

  • Keeping paystub copies: Retain paystub copies from the last several months. The pay rate determines the amount of certain benefit payments.

Thorough documentation shows an injured worker acted responsibly following the incident. Workers’ compensation lawyers can leverage complete documentation to demand higher payouts.

Choosing the Right Airport Injury Attorney

Retaining an experienced workers’ comp lawyer uniquely familiar with airport worker cases maximizes potential settlements. When selecting legal counsel, injured airport staff should:

  • Verify skill set: Ensure the lawyer concentrates specifically on workers’ compensation instead of personal injury or other legal fields.

  • Ask about airport experience: Determine how many past airport worker clients the attorney has represented successfully.  

  • Discuss settlement history: Request examples of past airport worker settlement amounts secured by the lawyer. 

  • Learn typical timeline: Find out how long the lawyer takes on average to resolve airport worker cases favorably.

  • Get fee details: Workers’ comp lawyers cannot charge upfront fees but take a percentage of final settlements. Know the exact rate.

Fighting for Maximum Medical Benefits

Medical costs make up a significant portion of workers’ compensation settlements. Airport workers deserve reimbursement for all medical expenses related to their work injury. These can include:

  •  Hospital bills

  •  Ambulance fees

  •  Rehabilitation clinic costs

  •  Physical therapy  

  •  Prescription medications

  •  Medical equipment 

To recover maximum medical benefits, injured airport personnel must:


Get Immediate Medical Care

Seeking prompt treatment demonstrates the severity of injury for higher settlements. Delaying care seems suspicious and makes justifying medical expenses harder for Minnesota’s workers’ comp lawyer.  


Follow Doctor’s Orders 

Failing to follow prescribed treatment plans also draws suspicion. Insurance companies can allege injuries resolved or preexisting conditions caused ongoing issues rather than the work accident. Attending all appointments and therapy demonstrates the worker acted responsibly to mitigate costs.


Keep Itemized Bills

Itemized medical bills prove the accident caused expenses rather than preexisting conditions or unrelated healthcare. Workers should instruct all providers to send copies of invoices directly to their workers’ comp attorney. This allows the lawyer to account for every penny spent on care in settlement negotiations.

Lost Wage Reimbursements

Airport personnel recovering from work injuries deserve earnings replacement for shifts missed. Calculating proper wage reimbursements takes careful consideration of:


PreInjury Wages

  • Hourly pay rate

  • Average hours worked weekly  

  • Typical weekly earnings without counting overtime or bonuses. Workers’ comp only covers base pay.


DoctorOrdered Work Restrictions 

Any light duty restrictions that reduce hours come out of the employee’s pocket. Maximum settlements demand full wage reimbursement arguments from the workers’ comp lawyer in Minnesota.


Settlement Timeframes

Minnesota law caps temporary total disability checks at 104 weeks.  

 Wage benefits extend longer for partial disabilities, with producers proving reduced earning capacity.

Wage reimbursements depend heavily on the written reports of the treating doctor. That’s why following all medical advice proves critical for recuperating airport personnel. 

Accounting for Permanent Impairments

Some work injuries cause lasting or permanent damage. Common airport accidents leading to impairments include:

  •  Fractures or orthopedic injuries limiting mobility

  •  Spinal injuries reduce strength 

  •  Severe burns resulting in disfigurement

  •  Loss of vision from foreign object debris

  •  Hearing loss from ramp noise  

Permanent impairments entitle injured airport workers to additional compensation beyond medical and wage reimbursements. Calculations involve assigning an impairment rating and then multiplying by prescribed benefit amounts.

For maximum payouts, thorough medical evaluations must delineate long term damage explicitly caused by the work incident. Prior injuries muddy the waters regarding preexisting conditions. Retaining an experienced workers’ comp lawyer in Minnesota early on builds the strongest case possible.

Resolving Third Party Liability Scenarios

Sometimes, workplace accidents involve equipment failures or unsafe environments caused by others. Third-party negligence opens the door to additional liability settlements supplementing standard workers’ compensation benefits.

Consider the following examples:

  • Unsafe luggage dollies leading to falls – The equipment manufacturer or airport proprietor shares the blame for purchasing defective gear. 

  • Poor lighting conditions around tarmacs cause accidents. Failure to maintain safe working conditions makes the airport jointly responsible.  

Experienced workers’ comp lawyers negotiate settlements with multiple parties in third party liability scenarios. This requires in depth accident investigations proving shared fault for maximum payouts to the injured airport worker.

Choosing the Optimal Agreement Type

Standard workers’ compensation settlements bring closure to cases through lump sum payouts. However, injured airport staff may benefit from other settlement structures in certain situations:


Structured Settlements

  •  Pay portions of settlements in installments over many years

  •  Help cover significant ongoing medical costs  

  •  Provide steady income streams after serious accidents 


Compromise and Release Agreements

  •  Settle future medical expenses today with one final payout 

  •  Close cases with disputed medical forecasts

Consulting an attorney helps airport personnel determine optimal settlement types for their unique situation. An experienced workers’ comp lawyer in Minnesota thoroughly explains all options during initial consultations free of charge.

Frequently Asked Questions About Maximizing Airport Worker Settlements

Minnesota statute entitles all employees to medical and wage benefits through the workers’ compensation system. Airport workers deserve the same protections.  

Employers carry insurance policies covering costs for injured personnel. Premiums are often passed along to consumers through higher prices.

Benefit denials happen often, so injured airport staff should retain legal representation immediately. Experienced lawyers get wrongfully denied claims reversed.
Yes, workers’ compensation covers all medical mileage at prescribed IRS rates and actual care expenses. Keep detailed travel logs.

Preexisting conditions do not disqualify airport staff from receiving benefits. However, employers only pay for treatment and lost wages specifically stemming from the workplace incident.

Hire A Workers’ Comp Attorney

Suffering any injury creates emotional and financial hardships for airport personnel and their families. However, understanding legal rights and proactively documenting critical accident details paves the way toward maximum workers’ compensation settlements. Airport staff should consult with a workers’ comp lawyer in Minnesota immediately after incidents to position cases most favorably. Through practical legal guidance and personal resolve, injured airport workers can mitigate settlements to cover their losses while recovering.


Mottaz & Sisk Injury Law has 20+ years of experience dealing with work injury matters. Please call us at 763-421-8226 for a free consultation if you have experienced a personal injury.