Can I sue the employer for pain and suffering?

Group 152

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Minnesota workers compensation limits the types of benefits that are available to injured workers. This means that there is a limited recovery based on the nature of the injury and the date of injury. In Minnesota, an injured worker cannot recover pain and suffering. While pain and suffering may be available for plaintiffs in personal injury cases, those benefits are not allowed in Minnesota workers compensation cases.

While workers compensation does not allow pain and suffering they do allow other benefits such as wage loss, permanent partial disability, vocational rehabilitation and medical. If you’ve been left with a loss of impairment or loss of function as result of a Minnesota work injury you may be entitled to a permanent partial disability rating from your doctor. Your date of injury and the rating given to you will determine what amount you will be paid.

If you have suffered a permanent work injury our office can assist you in getting you the appropriate permanent partial disability benefits you are owed under the law. Even if the workers compensation insurance company has given you a rating you may be entitled to a higher amount. We would be happy to discuss with you your options. Our consultations are free and there is no requirement to retain us. Give us a call today, and let one of our Minnesota worker compensation attorneys help you today.