Things To Do After a Work-Related Head Injury, Concussion, or TBI

Group 152

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If you have had a work-related injury to your head, concussion, or TBI, you are entitled to Minnesota workers’ compensation benefits.  A Minnesota Workers’ Compensation attorney can help you walk through this process to ensure you are receiving the workers’ compensation benefits you are owed. It is important to follow the tips below in addition to any recommendations given to you by your treating physicians regarding your work-related head trauma, concussion, or TBI treatment:

Seek Medical Care and Treatment

It is important to get medical treatment right away for your head injury. If after a head injury, concussion, or traumatic brain injury, you start to experience dizziness, ringing in the ears, vomiting, vertigo, slurred speech, loss of memory, fatigue, or any other out of the ordinary symptoms, make sure to get treatment right away. Minnesota workers’ compensation would be responsible for the appropriate medical care and treatment whether it be with a general physician, physicians assistant, urgent care, or emergency room.


In today’s world, with quick fixes and limited time, we often times fail to recognize that rest is one of the key components to healing and getting better. Especially after a head injury, concussion, or TBI, rest is one of the key components to getting better. You should discuss with your doctor what measures can be taken to help improve your chances of recovery from your head injury, concussion, or TBI whether it be limited screen time, work restrictions, or just completely taken off or work all together.

Talk to a Minnesota workers’ compensation attorney about your traumatic brain injury

  • It is important to understand your rights and obligations under Minnesota workers’ compensation law.  An experienced workers’ compensation attorney should be able to spend the time with you and outline your rights and responsibilities under the law.  Some of the things that they should be able to discuss with you include:
    • What type of treatment can I get? 
    • Is mileage to/from my doctor’s appointments covered?
    • Can I get transportation to my doctor’s appointments?
    • How am I going to get paid?

These are all some of the things that you will most likely want to know following a head injury, concussion, or TBI. These are things that will help you navigate and start the process of obtaining Minnesota workers’ compensation benefits for your head injury, concussion, or TBI treatment. 

Our office is more than happy to sit down with you and discuss your case.  As Minnesota Workers’ Compensation attorney’s we will advise you on the appropriate steps to be taken and things you can do to make sure that your case goes smoothly.  We offer free no hassle consultations at times that work best for you. 

Be empowered.  Be educated.