Beware of Social Media – Second Posting

Group 152

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I have written on this subject before; however, it bears revisiting. I cannot overemphasize the importance of caution when it comes to the use of social media by an injured worker. Increasingly, insurance companies, their investigators, and their attorneys are turning to the internet to obtain information to help them defend workers’ compensation claims.

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Sadly, that can be true. Moreover, a detailed description of recreational activities can have the same ill effect on an injured worker’s claim.

Information put on the internet is not private. Furthermore, by posting information to social media sites, you invite review by adverse parties in a lawsuit. Therefore, be very careful about what information you put on social media. It could come back to haunt you. As Abe Lincoln once said, “Words are hostage to fortune.”

Facebook, Instagram, blog sites, and even Snapchat should be used with caution. The use of common sense and self-restraint in the ever-expanding digital age will hopefully preclude an injured worker from having to explain inconsistent or embarrassing photos or status updates at a deposition or a trial. As I said in my previous post, a great question to ask yourself before posting information is whether you would be able to comfortably explain the circumstances to the other attorney or judge – if asked to do so. Please proceed with caution.