Does an Employer have to Purchase or have Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

Group 152

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Most employers in Minnesota are required to have Minnesota Workers’ Compensation insurance, or for some companies, be self-insured. There are certain limited situations where an employer may not need to have coverage, however, in most situations they are required to have workers’ compensation insurance on their employees.

Even though a Minnesota employer may not have workers’ compensation insurance at the time of an injury, there are laws in place protecting injured workers.

The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Special Compensation Fund may step in as the insurer in situations where the Minnesota employer neglected and/or failed to carry appropriate workers’ compensation insurance. The Special Compensation Fund then will investigate the claim and may step into the shoes of the employer. The employer may then be assessed fines and penalties for their failure to properly insure their employees.

If you or someone you know have been denied workers’ compensation benefits because the employer failed to carry the appropriate insurance, please feel free to contact our office to discuss your case. Even though the employer did not have insurance, you may still be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.