Does Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Cover Spinal Fusion Surgery?

Group 152

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Minnesota Worker’s Compensation for Back Injuries

Minnesota have a workers’ compensation program that offers coverage to employees who have injured their spine and back at work. Workers’ comp only pays out what is legally required as compensation for medical and income loss incurred by an injured worker.

Spinal Fusion Surgery from Injury at Work in Minnesota

Spinal fusion surgery is a surgical procedure that involves the extraction of one or more spinal bones and placement of bone grafts. When other treatments, such as pain management, have failed to alleviate chronic back pain for an individual, this operation often serves as the last resort.

Fusion surgery can be expensive and risky, making it not suitable for everyone. After the procedure, less than half of patients return to work – an indication that this type of surgery should only be undertaken under medical supervision.

As a workers’ compensation law firm, Mottaz and Sisk, has helped countless injured workers in Minneapolis, and other Minnesota cities, who have been denied coverage successfully get worker’s compensation coverage for their back and spine injury surgery.

Unfortunately, many workers who undergo lumbar fusion are left with permanent restrictions that prevent them from returning to their pre-injury jobs. These could include limitations on lifting, bending and squatting in order to perform regular duties.

Recent webinar hosted by Workers’ Compensation Research Institute revealed that patients who underwent lumbar fusion surgery for work-related injuries experienced higher readmission and re-operation rates than those without such injuries.

Workers with work-related injuries should consult an experienced Minnesota workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible to ensure they receive medical and wage loss benefits. An attorney can help the client understand their rights and fight for maximum compensation.

A worker’s compensation lawyer can then decide the best course of action, such as filing a claim for immediate award or taking legal appeals. Furthermore, they negotiate with the insurance company to guarantee that patients receive all medical and wage loss benefits they are eligible for.

Denied Workers’ Compensation Coverage for Spine or Back Surgery

If the workers’ compensation claim for your back or spine injury is denied or delayed, a lawyer can still negotiate with the insurer to secure coverage and payment for lumbar fusion surgery. However, they should not expect an easy resolution or that the insurance carrier will cover expenses without negotiation. This is where an experienced Minnesota workers’ compensation attorney becomes extremely valuable.

Free Workers’ Comp Case Evaluation from Mottaz and Sisk Injury Attorneys

If you have been injured at work please contact us here or call 763-421-8226. Don’t wait to get the compensation you deserve for your injury at work. We are here for you and ready to review your case for free. Feel free to ask us about the countless others we’ve helped get coverage successfully.