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Do I get wage loss if I am working after my injury but earning less?

Temporary Partial Disability or TPD Benefits in Minnesota

After a work injury in Minnesota if an injured worker has restrictions and is earning less because of their injury they may be entitled to temporary partial disability benefits or TPD benefits. Temporary partial disability benefits are paid at a rate of 2/3rds of the difference between the average weekly wage and the wage the injured worker is able to earn. To be entitled to TPD the injured must establish the following:

  • A work related injury
  • Loss of earnings must be related to the injury
  • The injured worker must be able to work
  • There must actual be an actual loss of earning capacity. 

For injuries after 1992 but before October 1 ,2018, TPD benefits are paid at most up to 225 weeks but no more than 450 weeks after the date of injury. For injuries after October 1, 2018, TPD benefits are paid at most up to 275 weeks but no more than 450 weeks after the injury. 

Temporary partial is subject to the maximum and minimum compensation rates.