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What should I do after a work injury?

After a work injury an injured worker should make sure they follow these steps. 

1. Report your injury to your employer.

It is very important to report your injury immediately to your employer. Many employers have their own guidelines and rules about reporting work-related injuries. You should make sure to check with human resources or your employee handbook about the appropriate procedure. Regardless of your company’s own policies, under Minnesota Workers’ Compensation law, you are required to report your injury within 30 days of the injury. Only in limited circumstances are you allowed to report your injury beyond 30 days. 

2. Seek medical care or treatment.

While in most cases, cuts and bruises will heal on their own but more significant soft tissue or even traumatic injuries won’t. An injured worker should seek medical care or treatment to evaluate the severity of the injuries. Not only is seeking medical care and treatment important to determine the extent of the injuries, it also allows opportunity for the injury to be documented and memorialized in the medical records. This is important. In some cases, documents get lost, witnesses are no longer available, and employers deny injuries even occurred. By documenting it in a medical note, it allows for others to know that it happened.

3. Speak with an Attorney.

There is no such thing as a silly question. In most cases, this is your first and only work-related injury. Most of the documents and forms that are presented to you are new and can be a lot to try and understand. There are people out there who can assist you in answering your questions. Our attorneys can help you and provide you the legal advice you need. Call us now at 855-354-2667.  It is a free call with free advice

4. Be prepared.

We always like to believe that people and insurance companies will always do the right thing. Again, that is not always the case. In workers’ compensation, things can turn bad really quickly. In other words, an insurance company that has been paying bills and wage loss benefits can suddenly stop paying. It is important to have an understanding of what benefits are available to you and what your legal options are in getting those benefits. When an insurance company stops paying medical bills or benefits most of the time it’s not because they should be. Therefore, you should have a basic understanding of what benefits are available to you, and whether you may be potentially entitled to those benefits. In most cases, it is good to speak with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer to again go over your options.