Commercial Truck Accident Lawyers

Trucking accidents occur more often than many may think, and the physical and mental injuries that result can be life-changing. Truck accidents can be caused by a variety of issues, from driver error and improperly loaded cargo to equipment failure and defective parts. Regardless, the financial burden of sustained injuries can be taxing and unnecessarily impactful. If you are an over-the-road truck driver or just driving a commercial vehicle locally and have been involved in an accident or injury, you may be entitled to Minnesota workers’ compensation benefits – especially if your injury occurs during the course and scope of your employment.


After being involved in a truck accident or sustaining commercial vehicle injuries, you must be aware of your rights under Minnesota workers’ compensation. If you’re ready to start pursuing the damages and benefits you’re eligible for, we encourage you to contact the experienced attorneys at Mottaz & Sisk Personal Injury today. We’ve worked on numerous truck accident cases and are confident we can get you the compensation you deserve. Call Mottaz & Sisk Personal Injury to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation so that you can learn about your rights under Minnesota law and workers’ compensation.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

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Many scenarios can cause a truck accident to occur, and while there are more than what’s included below, these are some of the most common. If you’ve been involved in a work-related truck accident and sustained injuries, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.

  • Improperly loaded cargo. The beds of over-the-road and commercial trucks must be loaded correctly and in accordance with the law. If a truck is improperly loaded, a spill or other scenario can occur, causing accidents.
  • Equipment failure. At times, specific mechanics or components of a truck can be defective. Defective parts can cause accidents, meaning the driver may not be at fault. If you suspect an equipment failure was the cause of your truck accident, the manufacturer could be held liable.
  • Defective trucks. Trucks need scheduled routine maintenance because thousands of miles are put on each month. Routine maintenance ensures the truck is adequately cared for and is in top condition. If a truck isn’t maintained, common defects can result in accidents.
  • Driver error. Truck drivers are required to be on the road for long hours, especially when required to reach specific mileage goals. At times, truck drivers drive drowsy, operate their trucks while under the influence, or are distracted.

The Difference Between Truck and Car Accidents

Over-the-road and commercial freight trucks are significantly larger than passenger cars, meaning many factors differentiate the two. Truck drivers are required by law to have more extensive insurance policies, especially in an accident. Additionally, because of a truck’s considerable size, the amount of property damage, sustained injuries, and death risk increase substantially. If you’ve been involved in a work-related truck accident, the expenses for medical treatment will be much higher than a car accident due to the possibility of a higher volume of sustained injuries.

Types of Truck Accident Injuries

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Truck accidents are a very serious matter as many of the injuries sustained can be severe and debilitating. Below are a few common injuries that can result from a truck accident:

  • Spinal injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Loss of limbs
  • Psychological trauma
  • Burns
  • Paralysis
  • Death

The Legal Process of a Truck Accident Injury Case

Truck accident injury cases can be complex and lengthy. However, the Mottaz & Sisk Personal Injury attorneys are fully prepared to carry your case from start to finish. To help gain familiarity with your truck accident injury case’s legal process, we’ve provided a brief overview below so you know what to expect.



Once you’ve been involved in a truck accident, you must contact an experienced attorney right away. Your attorney will conduct a thorough investigation regarding your accident to ensure all evidence is gathered for the insurance company. A detailed investigation is vital because this will confirm that the insurance company is giving you a fair evaluation of your damages.


Filing a Claim

After the attorney assigned to your case conducts a detailed investigation to gather all relatable evidence, a claim will be filed. Your truck accident claim will include important information directly related to your case, such as compensation for damages, details of negligence, and liability for the accident.



An attorney experienced in truck accident cases will be familiar with numerous ways to settle your claim. At times, an attorney can reach an agreement and financial settlement with the insurance company outside of court. However, if negotiations cannot be achieved without guidance from a judge, your case will be taken to court.



If your case is taken to court, your attorney and the insurance company will go through the litigation process by presenting their cases. Once all evidence is presented and considered, the judge assigned to your case will determine the verdict. After court, the at-fault party will be determined as well as details of owed compensation.

How Can We Help You?

You must avoid accepting any insurance company claim before speaking with an attorney experienced in truck accident cases. Due to the complexity of truck accident cases, it’s best to have representation from an aggressive Mottaz & Sisk Personal Injury attorney, so we can help you get the compensation you deserve. Aside from workers’ compensation benefits, you may be eligible for the additional damages listed below:

  • Medical costs
  • Lost wages
  • Funeral and funeral-related expenses
  • Mental trauma and anguish
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disabilities
  • Physical deformations
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Contact a Mottaz & Sisk Truck Accident Attorney Now

Have you been injured in a work-related truck accident? Injuries sustained in over-the-road and commercial truck accidents can be life-changing and expensive, and the attorneys at Mottaz & Sisk Personal Injury are here to help you get the compensation you deserve. We’ll help you understand your rights under workers’ compensation and take steps to help you carry on life as it was before your accident. Here at Mottaz & Sisk Personal Injury, we have a team of remarkable attorneys with years of cumulative experience. Fill out our online form or call the office of Mottaz & Sisk Personal Injury directly at (763)-421-8226 to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation today.