Workplace Discrimination Lawyer

Receiving unfair treatment at work based on characteristics you cannot change is a frustrating and humiliating experience. Whether your employer’s discriminatory acts are causing you mental anguish or preventing you from receiving the wages you deserve for your labor, you deserve to have your voice heard. Here at Mottaz & Sisk, our attorneys understand the stress and fear that come along with problems at work. We are here to help you understand your rights in the face of discrimination.

The attorneys at Mottaz & Sisk will help educate you about your options and empower you to take the next step at no cost to you. If you believe your employer is wrongfully discriminating against you because of your race, gender, age, or other circumstances, it’s time to take a stand and work with a Minneapolis attorney who will fight for you.

What Is Workplace Discrimination?

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Workplace discrimination can appear in many forms, but every circumstance involves unfair treatment based on something you cannot change about yourself. It is illegal to discriminate against employees based on any of the following personal attributes and identifying details:

  • Race
  • Nationality
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Disability
  • Marital status
  • Age
  • Pregnancy
  • Familial status
  • Public assistance

Instances of discrimination can occur when an employee is:

  • Harassed
  • Denied employment
  • Fired
  • Laid off
  • Refused promotions
  • Not offered equal benefits as other employees
  • Mistreated in any other aspect of employment terms and conditions

If you suspect that you are a victim of workplace discrimination, seeking guidance from an experienced workplace discrimination attorney is highly recommended. Workplace discrimination can be challenging to prove, so you mustn’t try to navigate the issue on your own. You have the right to report these instances so that everyone can enjoy a safe and inviting work environment.

Laws Protecting Workers From Discrimination

Most businesses have specific company policies regarding discrimination; however, state and federal labor laws are in place to protect workers from discrimination at the governmental level. Federal protections against discrimination include:


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Civil Rights Act, amended in 1964, protects employees and job applicants alike from workplace or hiring discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, and sex. Title VII protects employees during all possible employment decisions, including:

  • Recruitment
  • Selections
  • Terminations
  • Promotions
  • All other decisions about employment conditions


Equal Pay Act of 1963

Under the Equal Pay Act, men and women are protected from sex-based wage discrimination. Payment of wages or benefits to people who perform substantially equal work in the same workplace cannot be intentionally higher or lower based on someone’s sex.


Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

Thanks to the Age Discrimination Act, the federal government protects people aged 40 years and older from age-based employment discrimination. Protections are implemented in the hiring process as well as in the workplace.


Rehabilitation Act of 1973

People with disabilities are protected from employment discrimination through the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Because of this law, job applicants and employees with disabilities are protected from discrimination based on their disability. This act also requires federal agencies to make reasonable accommodations for any known disabilities in the workplace.


Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

If a person is temporarily unable to perform their job due to a pregnancy-related condition or childbirth, they are protected under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. Pregnant employees must be treated the same way as any other temporarily disabled employee, and they cannot be denied employment, fired, or demoted because of pregnancy. 

Responding to the Incident

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If you’re facing workplace discrimination, you deserve to seek justice. You must take the right steps to boost the likelihood of the result ending in your favor. The Mottaz & Sisk attorneys encourage you to bring any issues to your manager’s immediate supervisor’s attention, as this alone could solve the situation. Should the problem continue or worsen, you must contact your employer’s human resource department in an attempt to reach a peaceful resolution.

Unfortunately, there are times when these simple steps don’t stop or prevent discrimination, and we believe nobody should be forced to work under those harmful conditions. Once you’ve exhausted all of your options, seek guidance from an experienced Twin Cities workplace discrimination attorney as soon as possible.

Proving Your Complaint

Workplace discrimination claims can be challenging to prove, meaning it’s imperative to be aware of the process and thoroughly document any information you can. We encourage you to collect as much evidence as possible regarding the incident so that your employer’s management team doesn’t have the opportunity to make excuses or cover their tracks. 

Evidence can consist of various elements, from work schedule documentation and daily assignments to dates, times, and witnesses of each discriminatory incident. Creating a paper trail can be extremely useful in proving your case as it displays all the facts rather than relying on simple verbal communication.

Even if you’re unable to document significant evidence of workplace discrimination, don’t hesitate to reach out to the lawyers at Mottaz & Sisk. We will work tirelessly on your claim and help you gather the necessary evidence so that we can fight for you both in and out of court.

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Get Expert Guidance From Mottaz & Sisk Today

You don’t have to battle the repercussions of workplace discrimination alone. By law, an employer cannot discriminate against any employee for unchangeable personal attributes and defining characteristics. Protect your rights by taking a stand. You deserve to work in a safe and respectful work environment, so don’t suffer silently at your workplace any longer. Contact us today so that we can assist you in navigating the often-challenging process of workplace discrimination claims – you’re not alone.