First Steps to Take After Going Home from Work with an Injury

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Table of Contents

Recognizing the Scenario: You’re Hurt and Cannot Work

In the past, you may have thought it could never happen to you. But now, you’ve been injured at work and it’s a big problem you shouldn’t take lightly. Be it a minor cut, a muscle strain, or a fracture; you need to appreciate the seriousness of the situation & respond accordingly.

Mottaz and Sisk Work Injury Attorneys have 20+ years of experience in successfully representing injured workers, or even their families in the event of a workplace death. We work hard for our clients in Minnesota, to help maximize the amount of compensation they can receive for their workplace accident.

If you have suffered from an injury on the job, or from a loved one’s death caused by work, contact us here or call 763-421-8226 for a free case evaluation. We are here for you.

Notifying Your Employer

Next, you have to report your accident & injury to your employer. Minnesota’s Workers’ Compensation law mandates you to do so within 30 days of the incident. Every workplace has individual guidelines concerning work-related injuries. Thus, you should consult your HR department or employee handbook to comprehend the right process; you can’t afford any slip-ups here.

Getting Medical Help

ce you’ve informed your employer, don’t wait. Seek immediate medical attention. It’s not just about getting your injury treated; it’s also about documenting it. You see, a medical report will serve as critical evidence for your work injury attorney if you need to file a claim in the future.

Understanding Your Workers’ Compensation Benefits

In Minnesota, if you’re an employee by law, you’ll qualify for workers’ compensation benefits for conditions either caused or worsened by a work injury or activity. These benefits are paid regardless of who’s at fault – the employer or employee. Therefore, it’s vital to grasp what you’re eligible for. This understanding is foundational to the process & ignorance isn’t bliss here. An experienced work injury lawyer can make sure you seek the max benefits and compensation you are entitled to.

Identifying Your Injury Type

The type of injury you’ve sustained can play a crucial role in determining the benefits you receive. Minnesota workers’ compensation covers a gamut of injuries from specific incidents to occupational diseases contracted due to hazards or exposures from your job.

What are Your Work Injury Benefits?

Although the law controls the specific amounts, duration, & types of benefits at the time of the injury, there are four primary types of Minnesota workers’ compensation benefits available to an injured worker.

How to find the Best Work Injury Attorney in Minnesota for Your Case

If the process seems scary or overwhelming, it might be time to consider hiring a Minnesota work comp injury attorney. They can help you handle the complex legal process & ensure you get the compensation you’re due. A qualified attorney will have a significant impact on your case, neither underestimate their importance nor delay their involvement. Schedule a free consultation as early as possible.

Filing Your Claim for Work Compensation

With the assistance of your attorney, you will file your claim. This task will involve compiling all necessary documentation, such as medical reports & evidence of the injury.

Preparing for Potential Outcomes and Payment for Your Work Injury

Once the claim is filed, you should brace yourself for all possible outcomes. This might include getting the benefits you’re entitled to, needing to negotiate, or even having to make an appeal on a denied claim. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket; be prepared for bumps along the way.

Minnesota Work Injury Attorneys with 20+ Years of Experience

Mottaz and Sisk Work Injury Attorneys have 20+ years of experience in successfully representing injured workers or even their families in the event of a workplace death. We work hard for our clients in Minnesota, to help maximize the amount of compensation they can receive for their workplace accident.

If you have suffered from an injury on the job, or from a loved one’s death caused by work, contact us here or call 763-421-8226 for a free case evaluation. We are here for you.