How Long Until You Receive Workers’ Compensation Payments After a Workplace Injury or Death?

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How Long Until You Receive Workers’ Compensation Payments After a Workplace Injury or Death?

Getting hurt at work is an unfortunate experience with serious issues for anyone and their family. To lighten some of the stress, knowing how to deal with the process of workers’ compensation in Minnesota becomes vital. Clients of ours usually ask our team of award-winning work injury attorneys, “How long until I receive workers’ compensation payments after my claim’s approved?” 

Mottaz and Sisk Work Injury Attorneys have 20+ years of experience in successfully representing injured workers, or even their families in the event of a workplace death. We work tirelessly for our clients in Minnesota, to help maximize the amount of compensation they can receive for their workplace accident.

If you have suffered from an injury on the job, or from a loved one’s death caused by work, contact us here or call 763-421-8226 for a free case evaluation. We are here for you.

The Waiting Period for Workers’ Compensation Payments in Minnesota

In Minnesota, wage-loss claims go unpaid until you miss work due to your disability for three calendar days.  If your disability continues for 10 calendar days, you become eligible for payment for the entire time you’ve been off from work. This period gets tallied in consecutive calendar days; not workdays.

The first day of disability signifies the first day of the waiting period. Any disability, even including a fraction of a day, gets deemed as the first day of disability, regardless of whether your employer pays you entirely for that day. If disability happens on the 10th calendar day or later, you receive compensation from the first day of disability. However, if disability only occurs beyond the waiting period on non-scheduled workdays, you typically receive no compensation for those non-workdays.

What to Do After a Work Injury

If you or a loved one have a work accident, it becomes vital to contact a work injury attorney immediately. Even lesser injuries, such as a back injury at work, require attention as they have the potential to lead to severe complications later on in life. Your attorney walks you through the process & assures that you secure the compensation you’re entitled to.

Dealing with Workplace Deaths

Regrettably, workplace deaths are a reality, & handling a workplace death is emotionally draining for the family dealing with the loss. In such instances, workers’ compensation death benefits go to qualified family members of the worker who perished on the job or due to a work-related illness or injury.

Benefits for dependents, including a spouse, minor children, or parents, cover costs related to the funeral & burial or cremation of the deceased worker; a portion of the worker’s average weekly wage at the time of the injury that led to their death; & a minimum benefit of $60,000. This amount gets paid in monthly payments based on the worker’s weekly wage and the number of dependents or as a lump sum.

Length of Dependency Benefits

The length of dependency benefits through Minnesota’s workers’ compensation program depends on the dependents receiving these benefits. A spouse with no dependent children at home gets up to 50 percent of the deceased worker’s average weekly wage for ten years. If the spouse remarries, they continue receiving benefits until the ten-year period is up. If a spouse has dependent children at home, they obtain a larger percentage of the deceased’s average weekly earnings until the children reach the age of majority and are no longer dependents. Once the children reach this age, the spouse maintains receiving reduced payments for ten years.

Finding the Right Work Injury Attorney in Minnesota

Neither the process nor the laws of workers’ compensation are simple to navigate. That’s where hiring a work injury attorney plays a key role. They help guide you through the process more efficiently. Always remember, you’re not alone.

Mottaz and Sisk Work Injury Attorneys have 20+ years of experience in successfully representing injured workers, or even their families in the event of a workplace death. We work tirelessly for our clients in Minnesota, to help maximize the amount of compensation they can receive for their workplace accident.

If you have suffered from an injury on the job, or from a loved one’s death caused by work, contact us here or call 763-421-8226 for a free case evaluation. We are here for you.